Washing Machine Market Share

  • Report ID: 5411
  • Published Date: Nov 28, 2023
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

Washing Machine Market Share

APAC Market Forecast

The washing machine market in Asia Pacific is predicted to account for the largest share of 50% by 2036 propelled by the rising urbanization. The exposure to new lifestyles and trends that come with living in metropolitan areas increases demand for washing machines in the region.

Urban areas with a higher number of nuclear families and working professionals are exposed to new lifestyles and trends, and the increasing cost-effectiveness is expected to raise the market demand for washing machines that are both efficient and quick. In India, more than 460 million people live in urban areas and the figure is increasing annually by over 2%.

North American Market Statistics

The North America washing machine market is estimated to be the second largest, during the forecast timeframe led by increasing outdoor & recreational activities. As more and more people in the region will be involved in outdoor activities, they tend to generate more dirty and sweaty clothes which is expected to result in higher demand for washing machines. In 2023, more than 95% of Americans indicated that they intend to engage in outdoor activities in the future year, up from around 90% the previous year.

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Author Credits:  Abhishek Verma

  • Report ID: 5411
  • Published Date: Nov 28, 2023
  • Report Format: PDF, PPT

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Growing fashion industry across the globe and the growing usage of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) are the major factors driving the growth of the market.

The market size of Washing Machine is anticipated to attain a CAGR of 5% over the forecast period, i.e., 2024-2036.

The major players in the market are Girbau North America, Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Haier Inc., IFB Industries Limited, LG Electronics, SAMSUNG, MIRC ELECTRONICS LIMITED, Panasonic Corporation, Whirlpool Corporation.

The fully automatic segment is anticipated to garner the largest market size by the end of 2036 and display significant growth opportunities.5) Which region will provide more business opportunities for the growth of the washing machine market in the future?

The market in the Asia Pacific region is projected to hold the largest market share by the end of 2036 and provide more business opportunities in the future.
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