

Research Nester assists businesses in compiling a comprehensive database encompassing the Europe’s regions and countries. Moreover, it offers in depth analysis and valuable insights into markets. This aids businesses in recognizing prospects comprehending customer demands and establishing strong brand recognition. Furthermore, Research Nester provides assistance in conducting assessments offering valuable insights, into competitors and their tactics.

Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, NORDIC, Rest of Europe)

Europe is a region that boasts a tapestry of economic systems and policies making it a diverse and intricate area. Despite the obstacles presented by the COVID 19 pandemic numerous European nations have demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability in their endeavors to sustain economic growth and stability. As we look ahead to 2021, the European economy comprising 42 economies is projected to reach around USD 25 trillion, in nominal terms marking an increase of USD 2.7 trillion compared to the previous year. Notably, Europe’s GDP surpasses that of the United States by USD 1 trillion establishing it as the economy globally.


The United Kingdom boasts one of the world’s most cutting edge economies with a projected GDP of 3070 USD Billion by the end of 2023. The UK’s economic prowess stems from a combination of factors such as its talented workforce, state of the art infrastructure and an array of diverse industries.

Macroeconomic Indicators
  • GDP represents the worth of goods and services produced within a country during a specific timeframe. Since the financial crisis in 2008 the UK has seen a consistent growth in its GDP. In 2019 the UKs GDP reached £2. 2 trillion positioning it as the world’s largest economy.
  • The rate of unemployment in the UK has been on a declining trend since 2011. In 2019 it reached its point since the mid 1970s at 3. 8%. However, due to the impact of the COVID 19 there has been a significant surge in unemployment levels across the UK.
  • Inflation refers to the increase in prices for goods and services over time. In the UK inflation has remained relatively stable throughout the decade averaging around 2%. Nevertheless there have been instances of fluctuations influenced by factors such as shifts, in oil prices and the outcome of Brexit voting.
Sectoral Analysis
  • The UK economy relies heavily on the services sector, which contributes to more than 80% of the GDP. Important sub sectors within this industry include finance and business services, retail and hospitality. Over the years these sectors has played a vital role in driving economic growth by meeting both domestic and international demand for services.
  • Manufacturing sector also plays a significant role in the UK economy accounting for approximately 17% of the GDP. Key sub sectors in manufacturing include aerospace, automotive and pharmaceuticals. This sector has encountered challenges recently due to competition and uncertainties surrounding Brexit. Nonetheless government initiatives, like the Industrial Strategy aim to support and encourage its growth.
  • The energy sector in the United Kingdom encompasses activities such as extracting oil and gas generating electricity and utilizing sources of energy. In recent times, this sector has encountered various obstacles, including a decrease in North Sea oil production and the necessity to shift towards a low carbon economy. Nevertheless the UK government has established goals to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and enhance renewable energy generation, which have the potential to stimulate growth, within this industry.
FDI Investment in the U.K.
  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) serves as an important measure of a nation’s economic wellbeing and progress. The United Kingdom has been widely favored as a destination for FDI due to its political climate, skilled workforce and robust legal system. However concerns about the future of the country as an FDI hotspot have emerged following its decision to exit the European Union.
  • As per the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2019 the UK ranked 11th among FDI recipients globally attracting a total of $340 billion. This figure falls short compared to the five recipients – China, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong and Germany. Nevertheless on the side the UK secured its position, as the second largest investor worldwide by contributing a substantial sum of $2.5 trillion in outward FDI.
Government Policies and Economic Growth

The United Kingdom has seen economic expansion in the last ten years with various government policies playing a role in this success.

  • Policy 1: Tax Cuts: In 2010, the U.K. Government introduced tax reductions to stimulate the economy. These cuts involved lowering tax rates and raising the personal allowance. The impact of these policies was mixed as some argued that they resulted in increased investment and job creation while others contended that they primarily favored the wealthy and failed to generate economic growth. Under Liz Trusss British administration significant tax cuts were implemented for the first time since 1972. These cuts aimed to boost growth by reducing taxes on affluent households and businesses.
  • Policy 2: Investment in Infrastructure: In 2012, the government of the United Kingdom unveiled a strategy to make substantial investments in infrastructure initiatives, including transportation and energy. The primary objective, behind this policy was to generate employment opportunities and foster economic expansion. The outcomes of this policy were predominantly favorable as numerous projects were successfully accomplished within their designated timelines and financial resources thereby yielding economic advantages for the respective regions in which they were implemented.
  • Policy 3: Regulatory Reform: Back in 2013 the U.K. Government took steps to implement some changes in regulations, with a goal of cutting down bureaucracy and fostering better business efficiency. These changes involved streamlining tax forms and minimizing administrative procedures. The overall outcome of these policies was quite favorable as numerous businesses experienced efficiency and lower operational costs.


Germany stands as largest Europe’s economy and the fourth largest globally. Renowned for its highly developed state it boasts a robust industrial foundation and a proficient labor force. Over the years, Germany has maintained a GDP of 2135 USD Billion from 1970 until 2022 peaking at a record breaking 4258 USD Billion in 2021. The German economy is distinguished by a blend of both sized and medium sized enterprises, alongside prominent multinational corporations.

Export Industry in Germany
  • Germany holds the fourth position of being the largest economy globally and the largest in Europe. The service sector, contributing a 72% to the country’s GDP plays a crucial role in this achievement. Germany heavily relies on its export industry, which constitutes one third of its GDP. The export industry exhibits diversity by encompassing a wide array of products and services that are exported to various countries across the globe. Several factors drive export growth in Germany including investments in research and development a highly skilled workforce and a business environment that benefits from supportive government policies as well as investments, in infrastructure and technology.
Government Policies and Investments
  • Germany has been witnessing a period of economic expansion propelled by government initiatives like the Hartz reforms and the Agenda 2010. These measures aimed at reducing unemployment enhancing labor market flexibility and fostering entrepreneurship.
  • The German government has made investments in various infrastructure sectors such as transportation, energy and communication networks. As a result German businesses have become more efficient and competitive attracting investment to the country.
  • The government has implemented supportive policies to bolster the growth of medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that play a significant role in Germany’s economy. These policies include facilitating access to funding offering tax incentives and simplifying processes for starting and running businesses. Additionally they've introduced a EUR 750 billion Emergency Budget with loan guarantees and grants specifically tailored for businesses self-employed individuals, liberal professions, as well as provisions, for short time work allowances.
Innovation and Research
  • Germany is known for its investment in research and development both from the government and the private sector. In 2019, Germany allocated around 3% of its GDP to research and development surpassing the expenditure of other European Union nations.
  • Germany stands out as a pioneer in technology and innovation in sectors like automotive and manufacturing. It boasts companies like Volkswagen, BMW and Siemens that have played a substantial role, in shaping the global market.
Labor Market and Workforce Development
  • Germany possesses a workforce of expertise owing to its focus on vocational training programs like the dual training scheme and apprenticeships. As a result it has developed a manufacturing sector and gained a competitive advantage in industries, like automotive and engineering.
  • Germanys labor laws exhibit flexibility enabling the implementation of part time and work arrangements. This has contributed to the creation of a workforce and opened up more avenues for individuals to enter the job market.


France ranks as the seventh largest economy globally boasting a GDP of $2.7 trillion in 2020. The nation enjoys an economic landscape encompassing key sectors such, as aerospace, pharmaceuticals, automotive and tourism. To stimulate expansion and bolster GDP the French government has implemented multiple strategies and initiatives.

Investment in Infrastructure
  • France has made investments in transportation infrastructure, such as high speed trains, modern roadways and expanded airports. The country has plans to allocate 100 billion euros for railway infrastructure development by the year 2040. These investments have greatly enhanced connectivity both domestically and internationally resulting in an increase, in trade and tourism activities.
  • France is prioritizing the development of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power in order to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and support sustainability. As part of their investment plan for 2030 the French government has committed to investing €1 billion in innovative projects related to clean energy. This financial commitment not helps in transitioning to cleaner energy but also creates job opportunities and opens up new avenues for businesses within the energy sector.
  • In addition France has made strides in enhancing its telecommunications infrastructure by expanding broadband access and improving mobile networks. In 2013 they introduced the "Plan France Tres Haut Debit" with an investment of $23.59 billion over a decade aiming to provide high speed internet coverage across the country by 2020. The goal was to ensure that every region of France would have internet connections with a speed of 8Mbps, by mid-2020 gradually increasing it to 30 Mbps by 2022.
Supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • The French government has implemented policies aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship such as offering tax credits for research and development and providing funding opportunities for startups. As a result France has witnessed the emergence of a thriving startup ecosystem with companies like BlaBlaCar and Devialet gaining recognition. Furthermore in 2017 the government made it a priority to transform France into a "Startup Nation" by establishing a breakthrough innovation fund endowed with €10 billion.
  • France places strong emphasis on research and development and makes substantial investments in this field. These investments play a role in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship by ensuring that the necessary resources and infrastructure are available to nurture new ideas and bring them to fruition, in the market.
International Trade Agreements
  • France as a member of the European Union enjoys the benefits of free trade agreements with EU nations. These agreements facilitate the movement of goods and services within the EU, which has greatly contributed to the growth of French businesses and boosted exports.
  • The TTIP is a proposed trade agreement between the European Union and the United States. Its primary objective is to diminish trade barriers and stimulate growth. If approved this agreement could open up markets for French businesses and reduce tariffs on exports to the US. Notably during his tenure as European Commissioner for Trade from 2010 to 2014 it was perceived that the TTIP could become a bilateral trade initiative due to its involvement of two major global economic regions. It also held potential in setting an example for future partnerships and agreements worldwide.
  • The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) serves as a trade pact between Canada and the European Union with aims to decrease trade barriers while fostering growth. With implementation in 2017 most provisions of this agreement are already in effect. One notable benefit for businesses lies in its elimination of tariffs on most goods traded between Canada and EU member states. This reduction in trade barriers can potentially enhance exports, to Canada and contribute positively to their economic prosperity. It removes tariffs on 99% of all types of goods to tariffs with 98% already eliminated when it was provisionally implemented. Additionally it safeguards the protection of Geographical Indications in the EU. Enhances the access of European companies, to the Canadian services market.
Government Initiatives Driving Economic Growth in France

The government of France has taken measures to boost the development of the technology sector in the country. These initiatives comprise;

  • The French Tech Visa program, which grants visas to entrepreneurs and investors looking to establish or invest in startups based in France.
  • The French Tech Ticket program, which offers support and guidance to early stage startups within France.
  • The French Tech 120 program, which provides funding and assistance to the promising startups in France.

Likewise the French government has also implemented strategies to support the growth of the manufacturing industry, within its borders. These include;

  • The Industry 4.0 plan, aiming to modernize and digitalize manufacturing industries throughout France.
  • The Made in France label, designed to promote products made in France and encourage consumers to choose made goods.


Italy holds the position of being the 8th largest economy globally and the 3rd largest within the Eurozone. Italy’s economy is renowned for its sectors, including robust industries in manufacturing, tourism and agriculture. The growth of Italy’s economy is propelled by factors such as exports, domestic consumption and government expenditure. In times there has been a notable expansion in Italy’s export market particularly within the manufacturing domain. Furthermore investments in infrastructure projects and social welfare initiatives by the government have also played a role, in fostering economic growth.

Government Policies and Regulations
  • The Italian government has taken steps to address the budget deficit and public debt by implementing measures. These measures include reforms in taxation, austerity measures and efforts to combat tax evasion. These actions have played a role in stabilizing the economy and boosting investor confidence.
  • As part of the Eurozone Italy follows policies set by the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB has implemented strategies such, as interest rates and quantitative easing to foster economic growth and increase inflation. However, Italy’s high public debt and low productivity have somewhat limited the effectiveness of these policies.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • The Italian government has introduced several initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, such as the Startup Italy program. This program offers support and guidance to aspiring young entrepreneurs. Furthermore the government has put in place policies that streamline the process of establishing a business in Italy facilitating entry into the market, for companies.
  • The Italian government has taken steps to foster innovation, such as introducing the Innovation Fund that offers support for research and development initiatives. Furthermore they have initiated programs, like Digital Italy program to enhance the nation’s infrastructure and promote digital skills among its citizens.
Reforms Impacting the Region

Italy has implemented several reforms aimed at improving its economic growth and GDP. These include:

  • In 2015 Italy implemented a reform in the labor market that aimed to make it simpler for companies to hire and dismiss employees. The Italian Jobs Act (JA) is a labor market reform that targets the reduction of the dual structure within the job market. This reform has brought about increased flexibility in employment. Made it more convenient for businesses to adapt to changing economic circumstances.
  • Additionally Italy has also taken steps towards pension reforms like the Amato reform with the goal of lessening the burden on the government and raising the retirement age. This initiative has resulted in reduced government spending. Improved long term sustainability of the pension system.
  • Furthermore Italy has implemented measures to strengthen its banking sector, which include creating a bank to address non-performing loans and restructuring several major banks. These actions have contributed to stabilizing the banking sector and enhancing access to credit, for businesses.
Manufacturing Industry

Italy’s manufacturing sector plays a role in the country’s economy contributing around 23% to its GDP. The industry is predominantly made up of medium sized enterprises accounting for over 95% of all manufacturing companies in Italy. In years there has been significant growth in Italian manufacturing with a 2% increase in output recorded in 2020. This growth can be attributed to factors, including;

  • Investments in technology and innovation particularly in automation and digitalization. Additionally there has been a rise in demand for luxury goods and high end products especially from emerging markets like China and India.
  • Moreover, Italy boasts a workforce and a rich heritage of craftsmanship particularly evident in sectors such, as fashion, design and engineering.

Furthermore, the Italian government has taken measures to support the manufacturing sector and stimulate economic progress. These initiatives consist of;

  • Streamlining regulations and cutting down on hurdles to facilitate smoother operations and expansion for businesses.
  • Making investments in infrastructure particularly in transportation and logistics to enhance supply chain effectiveness and decrease expenses, for manufacturers.
Tourism Industry

Tourism plays a major role in boosting the Italian economy contributing approximately 13% to the country’s GDP and creating employment opportunities for over 4 million individuals. Italy’s allure as a tourist destination is attributed to its captivating history, cultural heritage and breathtaking natural landscapes.

  • Over the few years there has been a steady growth in Italy’s tourism industry with an impressive 62.8 million international visitors recorded in 2018.
  • The Italian government has implemented strategies to support and promote tourism, such as offering tax incentives, for hotel renovations and investing in infrastructure development.
  • The sector is predominantly composed of medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with a significant presence of family owned businesses.


Spain is the fourth largest economy in the Eurozone and the thirteenth largest in the world. It is a developed country with a high-income economy and a very high Human Development Index rating. Spain has a mixed capitalist economy, which is the twelfth largest worldwide and the fifth largest in the European Union. After the pandemic, the GDP growth of Spain has increased to 5.51%. The economy of Spain has almost surpassed that of its European counterparts in the last 5 years. Having a GDP of USD 1200 billion, the economy of the country remained in 4th position amongst all the European countries. Spain is the 13th recipient of foreign investments in the world.

International Trade
  • Spain holds a highest position within the European Union’s economy and boasts a highly developed international trade sector. Its geographical location, serving as a bridge between Europe and Africa coupled with its connections to Latin America positions it as a crucial player in global trade.
  • The Spanish economy thrives on both the export of goods and services which contribute significantly to one third of its GDP. Notably the United States witnessed an increase in service exports to Spain from USD 5 billion in 2020 to USD 5.6 billion in 2021. Machinery, vehicles, pharmaceuticals and food products are, among Spain’s exports. The country primarily trades with European Union nations but also engages with the United States and China.
  • Spain is also a significant importer of goods and services, particularly in the areas of energy, machinery, and chemicals. The country's top import partners are Germany, France, and China.
Tourism Industry
  • The tourism sector plays a vital role in Spain’s economy making up more, than 11% of the nation’s GDP and offering employment opportunities to millions of individuals.
  • Spain’s tourism revenue reached almost 12 billion in July 2023. The success of Spain in the tourism industry is backed by its rich cultural and natural attractions. Furthermore, travel and tourism accounted for almost 14.2% of Spain’s total GDP. In fact, in some of the sectors, tourism contributed to over 20.2% of all economic activities.
  • Spain is the second most visited country in the world, with over 83 million international visitors in 2019.The industry has been growing steadily over the years, and is expected to continue to do so in the future.
Infrastructure Investments
  • Spain has experienced economic growth supported by significant in infrastructure throughout the country. These investments have played a role, in enhancing Spain’s transportation networks, energy production capacities and communications infrastructure.
  • High-Speed Rail Network: Spain has one of the most extensive high-speed rail networks in the world, with over 3,000 km of track. This network has helped to connect major cities and improve transportation efficiency.
  • Renewable Energy: Spain has invested heavily in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This has helped to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and improve its energy security.
  • Ports and Airports: Spain has a number of major ports and airports that serve as important gateways for international trade. These facilities have been upgraded and expanded to handle larger volumes of cargo and passengers.
Labor Market Reforms
  • Spain has made efforts to address the issue of high unemployment rates and enhance labor market flexibility through its labor market reforms. These reforms have involved modifying the bargaining system introducing new contract options and making changes to the unemployment benefits system.
  • The labor market reforms have had a positive impact on the Spanish economy, leading to reduction in Unemployment rates, increase in job opportunities. Additionally, companies now find it easier to hire and terminate employees thereby enhancing the flexibility of the labor market.
Technology and Innovation
  • Innovation is gaining strength in the Spanish economy as a whole. According to analysis, Spain has recorded 3 consecutive years of growth in investment in research, development, and innovation and a higher rate of growth than nominal GDP.
  • The turnover in medium and high technology companies was up to 6.21% in the year 2017 and Spanish exports increased by 8.51%. Some of the advantages of investing in Spain’s RDI ecosystem are:
    • Tax deduction and subsidies for the RDI activities
    • Surge in open innovation led by a major corporation
    • Rising innovation ecosystem: rise in patent registrations
    • Favorable environment for recruiting talent
    • Safe environment for intellectual property protection
  • Other than this large companies in technology such as Google or Oracle, have already opted for Spain as an investment option. The domains such as cybersecurity, big data, and metaverse are some of the booming technological fronts in the market. The video game sector has also witnessed accelerated growth in the country.
  • The next segment with rising growth is the digital marketing domain. Almost all companies are inculcating digital marketing prospects in their businesses. The Spain ICT market was valued at around USD 50.91 billion in the year 2022.


Russia is the world's largest country in terms of land area, and its economy is largely driven by its vast natural resources. In the year 2021, Russia was the 11th largest economy in the world. The gross domestic product measured at almost USD 1.71 trillion. The country has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, and other minerals, which have historically been a major source of revenue for the government and a key driver of economic growth.

Natural Resources
  • Russia stands as a leading global player, in the production and exportation of oil and gas. The nation’s extensive reservoirs of these resources have significantly contributed to its economic expansion and overall GDP. Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas 2nd largest reserves of coal, and 6th largest oil reserves. In the year 2021, it has been estimated that almost 4.71 million bpd of crude oil were imported by Russia, and the country exported a remarkable volume to buyers in Europe amounting to 2.41 million bpd. The government has invested heavily in the development of the oil and gas sector, with state-owned companies such as Gazprom and Rosneft playing a major role in the industry.
  • Russia is also rich in metals and minerals, including iron ore, nickel, copper, and gold. The mining industry has been a significant contributor to the country's GDP and economic growth. The government has implemented policies to support the development of the mining industry, including tax incentives and investment in infrastructure.
Infrastructure Development
  • Russia has made investments in improving transportation infrastructure, which includes the development of new highways and the modernization of railways. These efforts have enhanced connectivity throughout the country making it easier for goods and people to move around.
  • Russia has placed emphasis on energy infrastructure particularly by investing in oil and gas pipelines. Given that a substantial portion of Russia budget relies on revenues, from oil and natural gas (accounting for 45% in 2021) these investments have not only led to increased exports and revenue generation but have also bolstered the country’s energy security.
  • Russia has undertaken ambitious urban development projects, including the construction of new bridges, parks, and public spaces. This has improved the quality of life for citizens and made cities more attractive to foreign investors.
Foreign Investment
  • Foreign investment has played a role in driving economic growth in Russia over the past few years. In 2020 Russia witnessed an increase of 4% in direct investment (FDI) inflows amounting to $19 billion compared to the previous year. The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Cyprus are the sources of FDI for Russia. Notably the energy sector receives the bulk of FDI inflows followed by manufacturing and finance industries.
  • Russian government has also implemented various policies such as tax incentives simplified procedures for obtaining permits and licenses and ensuring protection of investor’s rights. However, certain sectors like defense, natural resources and media face restrictions on investment. Moreover, geopolitical tensions and economic sanctions imposed by some countries have created an atmosphere of uncertainty which might discourage foreign investments in Russia.
Government Policies

The Russian government has implemented several policies to stimulate economic growth and increase GDP. Some of the key policies include:

  • Import Substitution Policy - This policy aims to reduce the country's dependence on imported goods by promoting domestic production and increasing exports.
  • Privatization - The government has been privatizing state-owned enterprises to increase efficiency and attract foreign investment.
  • Tax Reforms - The government has implemented several tax reforms to attract foreign investment and promote entrepreneurship. These reforms include reducing corporate taxes and simplifying tax procedures.


The Nordic countries, also referred to as the Nordics, consist of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Additionally they encompass the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. These nations are renowned for their higher living standards and comprehensive social welfare systems. They are also recognized for their economies, emphasis on innovation and commitment to sustainability. Collectively the Nordic countries boast a GDP exceeding USD 1.7 trillion and are home to approximately 27 million individuals. The region is celebrated for its skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure facilities and well established social welfare provisions. The economies of these nations thrive through a range of industries such, as manufacturing, services sector activities and technological advancements.

Macroeconomic Factors
  • The combined GDP of the NORDIC countries exceeds USD 1.5 trillion. Norway stands as the largest economy in the region. Over the past decade there has been a growth in the region’s economy with an average annual growth rate of 2.5%. Norway, known for its mountain ranges expansive forests and vast unpopulated areas with only about 3% arable land relies heavily on offshore oil and gas extraction and export for its national income. Additionally, fishing, steel production, shipping and tourism are industries in the country. As of 2020 the per capita GDP stands at €45,700. This economic growth can be attributed to factors such as robust exports, a highly skilled workforce that fosters innovation and technology.
  • In terms of inflation rates in the NORDIC countries they have remained low at an average of 1.5% in recent years. Similarly, unemployment rates across the region have been consistently low, with an average of 6%. These favorable economic indicators create an environment that attracts foreign investment and supports business expansion.
Innovation and Technology.
  • The Nordic countries have a history of government supporting innovation and technology through various means. They provide funding for research and development along with tax incentives for companies investing in these fields. Sweden in particular has prioritized education and research which has greatly contributed to its capabilities. When it comes to research and development (R&D) Sweden consistently invests over 3 percent of its GDP in this area.
  • The Nordic countries also boast a startup ecosystem witnessing the emergence of numerous successful companies in recent years. This can be attributed to the availability of funding and support for entrepreneurship well as a culture that values innovation and taking risks. For instance, every year Start up Denmark offers 50 foreign entrepreneurs the opportunity to obtain a Danish residence permit so they can establish and manage their own company. Additionally, Finland is renowned for its quality of life and economic growth having introduced a Startup Permit for individuals from third world countries since 2018.
  • Furthermore the Nordic countries have made investments in digital infrastructure such as high speed internet and mobile networks. This has laid a foundation, for the development of new technologies and digital services. In May 2018 the prime ministers of the countries came together to sign an agreement regarding 5G technology. Their shared vision was to establish the region as a global leader, in integrating and utilizing this advanced network.
Infrastructure and Logistics
  • The Nordic countries have a well-developed infrastructure and logistics system, which has played a crucial role in their economic growth and achievements. These nations are known for their up to date transportation networks, efficient energy supply systems and advanced communication technologies.
  • The Nordic region has a highly developed transportation network, including roads, railways, airports, and seaports, which facilitates the movement of goods and people across the region and beyond.
  • The region has made investments in renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydroelectric power. These efforts have decreased reliance on fuels and played a role in lessening the impact of climate change. Over the decade the Nordic region has witnessed a rise, in the proportion of renewable energy from 31% to 40%.
Sustainability and Energy
  • The NORDIC countries are known for their commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. This has been a major factor in driving economic growth and GDP in the region.
  • NORDIC countries have made significant investments in harnessing renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro power. Denmark for instance is recognized globally as a leader in wind energy while Sweden has made strides in developing biomass energy solutions. Notably, 50 percent of Denmarks electricity is generated from wind and solar power. In 2021 Denmark proudly inaugurated "Kriegers Flak," the wind farm in Scandinavia with enough capacity to meet the electricity needs of around 600,000 Danish households.
  • In addition to their commitment to renewable energy NORDIC countries have prioritized energy efficiency measures. These include building codes and regulations that mandate new constructions to meet stringent energy efficiency standards. Moreover there are incentives provided to encourage businesses and individuals to invest in cutting edge technologies that promote energy efficiency.
  • NORDIC countries are also leaders in sustainable transportation. Norway currently boasts the per capita number of electric vehicles globally while Sweden has invested significantly in a high speed rail network powered by renewable sources of energy. It's worth mentioning that Norway’s fleet of plug in vehicles is the largest, per capita worldwide. In December of 2016, Norway achieved a milestone by having five out of every hundred cars, on the road being plug in vehicles. This number increased to 10% by October of 2018. Reached an impressive 25% by September of 2022.

Rest Of Europe

Countries in the rest of Europe, such as Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece have witnessed economic growth in recent years. This growth can be attributed to factors including favorable government policies, increased foreign investment and the rise of a thriving middle class. Ukraine has benefited from an upswing in exports and foreign investments while Poland boasts a domestic market and a skilled workforce. Romania has experienced growth in its manufacturing. It sectors whereas the Netherlands serves as a prominent center for international trade and finance. Belgium possesses an economy with a focus on services while Greece has made notable progress, in addressing its debt crisis and attracting tourism.


Ukraine, with a population surpassing 42 million individuals and a GDP of USD 153.6 billion holds the rank of being the second largest country, in Europe. It boasts a cultural legacy and sustains a varied economy encompassing agriculture, manufacturing and services.

  • Foreign Investment: In recent years, Ukraine has experienced a notable surge in foreign investments particularly in the technology and manufacturing fields. In August 2023, Ukraine experienced a rise in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by $150 million. This influx of capital has resulted in the creation of jobs and a boost in exports thereby contributing to the country’s growth.
  • Agricultural Sector: Ukraine boasts an agricultural legacy and holds a prominent position as one of the largest grain exporters worldwide. The government has undertaken reforms to modernize this sector, which have yielded outcomes such as enhanced productivity and increased export activities.
  • Technology Industry: Ukraine’s technology industry is thriving, with a skilled workforce and an escalating number of startups. To bolster this industry the government has implemented supportive measures like tax incentives and financial backing, for research and development initiatives.

Poland has seen economic expansion in the last ten years with a growth rate of 4.3% in GDP recorded in 2019. The country’s robust economic progress can be attributed to factors, including a significant and well educated labor force, its advantageous position in Central Europe and a diverse economy encompassing sectors, like manufacturing, finance and tourism.

  • Manufacturing sector, particularly in the automotive industry.
  • Service sector, including finance, tourism, and IT services.
  • Foreign investment, particularly from Germany and the United States.

Over the ten years Romania has experienced consistent economic growth with an average annual growth rate of 4.6% from 2014 to 2019. In terms of GDP Romania reached $250 billion in 2019 positioning it as the largest economy, within the European Union.

Romania’s economic growth is greatly influenced by its manufacturing sector, which contributes to about 25% of the nation’s GDP. Moreover the country benefits from an educated workforce and a strategic geographical position that enables it to function as a bridge connecting Eastern and Western Europe.


The Netherlands is an established and globally connected economy that heavily relies on international trade. It ranks as the 6th largest economy within the European Union. The nation boasts an industrial foundation, particularly in advanced manufacturing and service sectors. Additionally the agricultural industry plays a role with the Netherlands being, among the leading exporters of agricultural goods worldwide.

  • Strong exports, particularly in the high-tech and agricultural sectors.
  • A highly educated workforce, with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • A stable political and economic environment, with a strong rule of law and transparent institutions.

Belgium is a highly developed and diverse economy placing significant emphasis on international trade. It proudly stands as a founding member of the European Union housing the headquarters of international organizations such, as the European Commission and NATO.

Belgium has gained recognition for its manufacturing industries specifically in sectors such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals and food processing. The services sector also plays a role in the Belgian economy with an emphasis on finance, logistics and tourism. The central location and highly developed transportation infrastructure Belgium serves as a vital hub, for international trade and logistics.


Greece, situated in Southeast Europe has a population of around 10.7 million people. The nation boasts an economy with a strong emphasis on the service sector, which contributes to approximately 85% of its GDP. Additionally, Greece is globally renowned for its shipping industry, which holds the title for being the largest in the world.

In In recent years, Greece has encountered numerous economic obstacles such as high debt levels and unemployment rates. However, through a series of reforms and austerity measures significant progress has been made in addressing these challenges. Consequently there have been signs of improvement in Greece’s economy over the past few years evident by a 2.2% growth in GDP, during 2019.

  • Tourism is a major contributor to Greece's economy, accounting for approximately 20% of the country's GDP.
  • Greece is also a major exporter of agricultural products, including olive oil, wine, and fruits and vegetables.
  • The country has a highly educated workforce, with a large number of graduates in science, engineering, and technology fields.

Research Nester offers a range of tools and services tailored to help businesses gain a deeper understanding of the European market and its various countries. They provide competitive comparisons, in depth analysis of customer requirements and valuable insights, into the latest trends and opportunities. Furthermore, we also offer comprehensive market research reports that empower businesses to make informed decisions regarding their products and services.

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