
Top 5 Trends to Look Out for in the Industrial Manufacturing Industry in 2023

What is Industrial Manufacturing Industry?

The industrial manufacturing industry produces products for industrial purpose using raw materials which helps other manufacturing industries in mass production of products. Industrial manufacturing industries produces variety of different machinery, from huge industrial equipment to simple household machines, as well as, other industrial – use products such as hardware, paper, packaging and other fixtures.

The industrial equipment are classified into two class –

  • Standard Equipment- The production cost of standard equipment are very low and are used by different industries.
  • Custom Built Equipment – It is expensive in comparison to standard equipment and are more profitable.
Categories of Industrial Manufacturing Industries –
  • Electronic and Electrical Equipment Industry – This industry is attributed to grow on the insatiable demand for electronics, and the use of integrated circuits and miniaturized technology. The Electronic and electrical equipment industry consists of companies that primarily manufacture electronic supplies and equipment such as wires electric motors, batteries etc.
  • Petroleum Refining Industry – Crude oils are considered to be raw materials which are of no use in original form. The petroleum and oil refinery is an industrial process plant, where crude oil is transformed and refined into useful products such as, petrol, diesel, kerosene, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and others. This industry is confirmed with transforming crude oil into usable consumer products. In 2020, the total capacity of global refineries for crude oil was about 101.2 million barrels per day.
  • Textile Mill Equipment Industry – Textile mill equipment industry turns fibres into usable fabrics such as, clothing, household products, and different industrial products. A few examples of textile manufacturing are fiber, yarn, thread and fabric mills.
  • Wood Products Manufacturing Equipment Industry - Wood manufacturing covers products like lumber, plywood, veneers, flooring and more. Wood extracted from trees needs to be processed in some manner to make to make it useful as a building material. Plywood and composite panels are manufactured by peeling and slicing or chipping wood to create a raw material, pressing and gluing these raw materials into panels, engineered wood shapes and other wood products.
  • Food and Packaging Industry – The food industry is highly diversified, with manufacturing ranging from small, traditional, family-run activities that are highly labor-intensive, to large, capital-intensive and highly mechanized industrial processes. Many food industries depend almost entirely on local agriculture, produce, or fishing. Increasing demand for fast food items in hectic urban lifestyle is attributed to increase the growth of the packaging industry. Food packaging helps in protecting food from being tampered or contaminated by any physical or chemical means.
Trends of Industrial Manufacturing Industry –
  • Manufacturing companies are modifying progressively digital technologies to network and transform their manufacturing processes. Submerging data collectors in extracting centers will be linked to cross – functional enterprise systems, enabling real-time two way data exchange and full production quality control.
  • Sourcing closer to end markets is emerging as a megatrend. This sourcing trend refers to moving a business function to a country that is closer in either geography, time zone, cultural characteristics and empathy.
  • Additive manufacturing is a fast-growing trend in the industry as it is first and foremost a significant time and cost-saving tool. This is the official industry term for what is better known as 3D printing. This process is also ideal for creating models, prototypes, molds, lost-wax castings, or components of final, finished products.
Types of Manufacturing Process –

Casting and Molding - The casting process basically is accomplished by heating plastic which melts into liquid, then pouring it into a mold. Once the plastic has cooled, the mold is removed, giving you the finished shape. Casting processes are subdivided into “expendable mold” and “permanent mold” process based upon the ability of a mold to be reused –

  • Expendable Molds – This mold is used only once following casting and solidification, the mold is usually destroyed to remove the solidified casting.
  • Permanent Molds - This mold is fabricated out of metal and are used repeatedly. In these molds the production rate is a function of how fast the components can be cast and removed from the mold.
There are four other types of molding for manufacturing:
  • Injection molding, which melts plastic to create 3-D materials such as phone cases and laptop covers.
  • Blow molding used to make piping and glass objects
  • Compression molding, used for large-scale products like tires for the car industry
  • Rotational molding, used for furniture and shipping drums.
  • Machining - Machining is an integral part of the manufacturing process of removing material on a work piece in order to create a precise object or part. Machining is most commonly used to manufacture metal objects, parts, and tools. Metals that can be machined are stainless steel, aluminum, brass, titanium, and copper.

    There are two techniques of machining –

    • Subtractive
    • Additive
  • Joining - Joining is the manufacturing process of welding and/or the process of binding two materials together, either through, soldering, brazing, and adhesive bonding.
  • Shearing and Forming - Shearing is the manufacturing process of cutting a piece of material into two separate pieces. Forming is the manufacturing process whereby, a piece of material is bent into a specific shape.

    Key Players –

    • Volkswagen Group
    • Toyota Group
    • Nestle
    • Samsung Electronics
    • General Motors
    • Ford Motor Co.
    • Unilever
    • PepsiCo
    • Tesla
    • Robert Bosch India

What is Turnaround Time?

Turnaround time is the amount of time it takes to complete a process. One of the most common phrases used for turnaround time is downtime. An easy way to think of turnaround time is the time from the moment a request is made or a process is started to the time when the request is fulfilled or the process is complete.

What is Turnaround Time in

Manufacturing Industry?

Turnaround time at an industrial plant is the amount of time needed to shut down a specific asset or an entire operation in order to conduct maintenance or some other process. Turnaround times are periods in which nothing is being done—that is, when whatever a factory or plant typically produces cannot be made because an essential part of the process is offline. But if a plant or operation has a sudden emergency that requires it to be taken offline, then the time personnel need to fix the issue and get the plant or asset up and running again can also be referred to as turnaround time. During planned downtimes, these are some of the most common types of turnaround work:

  • Regular maintenance. This includes both inspections and any subsequent work performed as a result of the inspector’s findings.
  • Replacements of parts or entire assets.
  • Repairs.
  • Upgrades. These could include upgrades to energy, lighting, parts, or even entire assets in the company’s processes.
Steps to Reduce Turnaround Time –
  • Advanced planning of Inspection and Maintenance of Machineries.
  • Schedule Coordination and Communication.
  • Management during the Turnaround Period.

Growing Manufacturing

Industry Across Asia Pacific

Manufacturing has emerged as one of the high-growth sectors in India. The ‘Make in India’ program places India on the world map as a manufacturing hub and provides global recognition to the Indian economy. Make in India to succeed, manufacturers in India need to manufacture more efficiently and deploy innovation to stay competitive. Smart manufacturing solutions can help to do that. Manufacturers can focus more on enhancing competitiveness by streamlining supply chains, reducing costs, and improving safety in the workplace. Further, the automated industrial economy has opened in Japan, and the development in Industrial version 4.0 is speeding up faster. Japan has emerged to become a manufacturing hub for factory automation products, supplying them to other regional markets in the Asia-Pacific region, making factory automation more affordable in the area.

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Swara Keni

Head- Global Business Development

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